We like Vince Del Monte because he tells it like it is! Here Vince gives you a run down of what works and what doesn't work towards getting to your goal of having six pack abs. He is very knowledgeable in the fitness field, so check him out.
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Get a six pack the quick way. Very, very hard work. Check out Brandon Carter's video showing some awesome ab exercises to really target key areas so you will be well on your way to getting the six pack abs that you are looking for. These are not easy movements, but once you work your way up to hardcore ab movements you will be on your way.
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Here are 7 secret ab exercises that are sure to get your blood pumping and the washboard ab look that you seek. These movements are hardcore, but if you try hard and work at them you will surely see the results that you want. how to get a flat stomach fast....this is the answer!
These are some great ab movements from The Ab Lab. This is not a whole workout, but will show you some hardcore ad exercise for the more advanced. Variety is the key to ab success so include these movements in your next workout.
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Want six-pack abs? First, you need to eat right! But you can also add these exercises to your routine and feel the burn!
If you've got two minutes, we can show you how to get sexy abs! This belly-blasting workout is just the thing to tone and tighten your midsection! Get more great tips at eDiets.com!
Hard Core Seven Minute Ab Workout (warning music contains adult language)
Hit the Abs at every angle with Keith's Ab Workout
1. Basic Crunch-
2.Twist Up
3.Push Through-
4.Left side Crunch-
5. Right side Crunch-
6. Up and Twist-
7. Leg Raises-
8. Leg Tucks-
9. 90 Degree Ankle Touch-
10. Right Crossover Crunch-
11. Left Crossover Crunch-
12. Kick Ups-
13. Head Raises-
14. Scissors-
15. Left crossover twist-
16. Right crossover twist-
17. Head leg crunch-
18. Alternating Shoulder Lifts-
19. Hoover-
20- 180 Degree Ankle Touches-
21- Side bends-
22- Alternate Leg Tucks-
23- Alternating Push Throughs-
Abdominal Exercises for Beginners - Basic proper position for your body.
This video is a brief break down of proper body position when doing abdominal scissors.
The best ab exercise moves you have never heard of. Trainer Stephen Cabral shows you how to get flat, toned abs with a new free fitness and workout video that will burn fat and calories. Get your body ready for bikini season today!
Provided by: Diet.com
Welcome to the brand new Six-Pack-AbSense website! Here you will find great ab workouts, healthy ab friendly recipes, workout tips, interviews with fitness experts and much, much more. Plus, it's all organized into great helpful categories. All videos will fit into one of the following groups:
Beginners - just starting an exercise program.
Intermediate - movements are a little more difficult.
Advanced - Ab exercises for a more advanced workout.
Hardcore - Extreme ab workouts for the really advanced.
We also categorized the videos by time so that you can plan your workouts based on the amount of time that you have to workout in, rather you need equipment or not and more.
Why did you start Six-Pack AbSense?
Because I just like you was looking for a healthier lifestyle for myself and started looking for exercise plans to improve my ab area. I found that there is some great information out there and there is some really bad information out there. So I decided that since I am searching for this information why not share it! I will be doing the workouts myself to see which ones really work and which ones don't. Only the best workouts will make it on our site so you no longer have to search all over the internet wasting your time. Also, I will be speaking to fitness experts about the best methods to obtain six pack abs based on diet and exercise. So if your ready.....let's get started on our six pack abs!