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Welcome to the brand new Six-Pack-AbSense website! Here you will find great ab workouts, healthy ab friendly recipes, workout tips, interviews with fitness experts and much, much more. Plus, it's all organized into great helpful categories. All videos will fit into one of the following groups:

Beginners - just starting an exercise program.

Intermediate - movements are a little more difficult.

Advanced - Ab exercises for a more advanced workout.

Hardcore - Extreme ab workouts for the really advanced.

We also categorized the videos by time so that you can plan your workouts based on the amount of time that you have to workout in, rather you need equipment or not and more.

Why did you start Six-Pack AbSense?
Because I just like you was looking for a healthier lifestyle for myself and started looking for exercise plans to improve my ab area. I found that there is some great information out there and there is some really bad information out there. So I decided that since I am searching for this information why not share it! I will be doing the workouts myself to see which ones really work and which ones don't. Only the best workouts will make it on our site so you no longer have to search all over the internet wasting your time. Also, I will be speaking to fitness experts about the best methods to obtain six pack abs based on diet and exercise. So if your ready.....let's get started on our six pack abs!